Thursday, March 22, 2012

anabegins: 2012 Intention First Quarter Results: Motherhood

This one is much more qualitative and thus harder to measure success vs. failure so I gave myself a wishy-washy grade.

Original intention:? fun. I want to infuse my home and family with love and laughter
Grade: B

This deserves a B because I am consciously working on it, but far from perfect. When things start to go awry (in that every-day sort of way, when nothing is really wrong, just whinier, jumpier, and grosser than I'd like), I remind myself to "just have fun".? Distraction is a good technique for dealing with kids & adults alike (just ask a certain political party....).? And saying "Yes" more often isn't going to turn my kids into deviants.? I mean, doesn't music, crackers, or a sticker make?everyone's life a little brighter?

My enemy in this is also my dearest ally---my to-do list. There are definitely times (weekday evenings specifically) where I shove aside fun to plow through my chores. I miss my boys all day yet when we all get home I half-ignore them as I rush here & there making lunches, washing bottles, and starting laundry. Sure, all of this can be done after they go to bed but that end-of-the-day alone time is so so precious to me that I try to maximize it by completing the must-dos earlier in the the expense of giving my full attention to my children.

So I'm going to add to this intention---my motherhood goals will include having fun and focus. And the to-do list gets put on hold from 6-8 pm.


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