Friday, June 14, 2013

?Data is the pollution problem of the information age?

>>> people are almost like begging the government to take over -- and the corporations to take over your life. people are excited when you take a picture of yourself on your phone and put it online, it says where the picture was taken. i remember when e-zpass happen ed people like, i don't want anyone to know when i go flew the lincoln tunnel . but now, every single conversation i've ever had is a public record in the library of congress . yeah! cool!

>> cutting to the heart of the matter as he often does. i'm here with bruce schneider and colleen taylor . we're talking about privacy and silicon valley 's response to the nsa revelations. i want to read this excerpt from a piece you wrote march 17th called the internet is a surveillance state . maintaining privacy on the internet is nearly impossible. if you permanently attach your name to whatever anonymous source you're using, governments and corporations are working together to keep it that way. part of the way we're receiving this news is in the context of already having given up the ghost on the notion of privacy.

>> and we have. we do it willingly, we go on to g mail, facebook, and these services are selling our privacy, and that's how they make money. and this is the normal part of doing business . normal part of living our lives. like the cameras with location. it is everything. and yes there are things can you do. asked a lot this week, what can we do? there's stuff around the edges, but for most of us, this is really hard. we cannot live our lives.

>> does that mean we just -- i don't want to just embrace the idea that privacy is gone, and so none of this all makes a difference, which is an argument i've heard. they have my records about everything, and everything i've done, so throw up your hands.

>> no. yeah, i don't think that that's the case. but a lot of people have been asking that this week. i have heard here in silicon valley , a lot of engineers saying, well, it's time for me to fire up my own server, run my own e- mail client like i did in the '90s. do it all myself. that's going to be expensive, though. that's going to be hard to do. there's a reason why hot mail became so popular and yahoo mail and gmail, but at this moment with how little we really know, there's still so much more information that needs to come out. these companies hands are tied in a lot of ways. we don't know yet, and there is a small number of people at least that are thinking about going back and doing it all themselves and pulling their data off the internet.

>> here's a thought experiment that matt iglesias said, google glass plus prism is going to be a lot of fun. think about that, think about the amount of information that's going to be streaming through people's google glasses that is going to be sucked up somewhere and stored somewhere. that is the library of data that just -- it boggles the mind of how much sheer information there is out there about any one of us all together.

>> it's not just google glass, it's google glass plus location, plus tagging, plus facial recognition, the ability to search for people, connect them and connect that to your financial records , and your phone records. it's everything together. we're talking about drones, we add drones to that, you look at one thing it might not be that bad, it's everything put together. the way to think of this, to me, data is the pollution problem of the information age . all processes produce it, so natural byproduct, stays around, we're talking here about secondary use. and really if you think about pollution or we look back 100 years ago and are amazed that the titans of industry could ignore as they built the industrial age .

>> it's not mine to deal with, i need to make the energy that that coal produces.

>> i think our great grandchildren the same thing. how could you ignore all of this data as you built the information age . just because there's no technical solution, a lot of cases there isn't, doesn't mean there's no answer. this is why we have laws to step in. this is how we deal with problems.

>> bruce schneider , colleen taylor , thank you both, that was great.

>>> that is all in for this evening. the rachel maddow show starts right now.


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