Friday, June 14, 2013

Next-Generation Game Consoles Good for Evolution of PC Gaming ...

Although Nvidia Corp. has failed to offer a competitive graphics and general-purpose processing solution for next-generation game consoles from Microsoft Corp. and Sony Corp., it does not mean the company will not benefit from PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Since both upcoming consoles support the latest graphics and heterogeneous computing technologies, they will make game developers create better games. Those games will eventually be ported to PCs.

It is not a secret that for many game developers personal computers are not a primary platform to develop for. Instead, they focus on game consoles for commercial reasons and only then port games to PCs. As a result, many games today still rely on DirectX 9-generation graphics technologies from the mid-2000s, the time when the Microsoft Xbox 360 and Sony PlayStation 3 were launched. While in many cases PC ports get somewhat better graphics, mainstream games developed with current-gen consoles in mind still look pale when compared to the best PC titles.

With Direct3D 11.1/OpenGL 4.3-capable?graphics engine and heterogeneous processing capabilities, the next-generation consoles ? Microsoft Xbox One and Sony PlayStation 4 ? bring gaming to the whole new level. Moreover, they will now have the same level of capabilities as leading-edge PCs, which means the forthcoming ports will look much better on personal computers.

Screenshot from Watch_Dogs, a?Unisoft game coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One later this year.

?I am glad the new consoles are here if for no other reason than to raise the bar. It is nothing but goodness for the PC. The PC will keep growing, but the consoles will give us that next bump. Developers can now build really awesome content that can then scale to the PC. To us, the consoles are great because they catch up from a features perspective,? said Tony Tamasi, senior vice president of Nvidia, during the company?s press conference at E3, reports The Verge.

With the lowest-common denominator for game developers being a Direct3D 11.1-capable machine with heterogeneous computing capabilities, the new generation of games [for both consoles and PCs] will inevitably utilize the same capabilities. In several years? time both next-gen video game consoles will get completely outdated from technology perspective when compared to PCs. However, it is highly likely that both Microsoft and Sony will heavily utilize cloud computing to improve graphics and visual effects quality of next-generation games, which means that PC titles will also get more beautiful and demanding.

All-in-all, it looks like the new era of games promises not to be dull whatsoever.

Tags: Microsoft, Sony, AMD, Nvidia, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Playstation, Xbox, Jaguar, Radeon, GCN, Fusion, Geforce

Comments currently: 16
Discussion started: 06/12/13 09:38:06 PM
Latest comment: 06/13/13 11:22:27 AM
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OpenGL 4.3? Hello? Do we really care about D3D 11.1? Last time I checked, D3D was a Microsoft-specific API; inferior to OpenGL which PS4 will use.

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Yes, developers do care because it is both easy to learn and fully integrated. With OpenGL you need to do a lot of annoying things that aren't needed on DX. Hell, DX has audio and compute built straight into the api, you don't need to worry about compatibility between three separate apis (especially balancing graphics and compute on the same device).

why doesn't openGL make an open GAMEapi whit opencl, gl and al combined in 1 api.


frnds do u remember some time back nvidia ceo jen...long name said that PS4 is like a cheap desktop and gtx 680 is superior than PS4. can mr. jen...long name give me in written that even nvidia's most expensive and most powerful single gpu TITAN will beat PS4 on upcoming games- answer mr. jen....long name also knows very well answer is PS4 kill TITAN in 2016-2017 games coz at that time we will see games harnesing true power of PS4. why PS4 will kill TITAN coz ps3 with 256mb 176 Gflops gpu,256 mb ram runs crysis 3 perfectly smooth while running same on pc we require at least 10X powerful gpu and 5gb ram and this time PS4 1840 Gflops with HSA so do simple maths how much powerful gpu require to beat PS4 truth is we don't have that. nvidia always do misleading publicity to boost sales so mr. jen... plz stop ur nonsense acts.
and don't forget nvidia 1000$ TITAN give u cartoonish hair and 100$ HD 7730 give u realistic hair (AMD TressFX) and plz don't compare TressFX to physx as physx don't give better visuals just some extra explosions and HAVOK is far better than physx.
by me buying a gaming pc is just waste of money coz PS4 will blow all of them including 1000$ i7+1000$ nvidia TITAN+16gb ddr3 ram at 2133 mhz so just simply buy a PS4 and enjoy.coz PS4's challenger pc will come in 2016

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I wouldn't be comparing Titan to PS4 since you can't use a Titan on its own. A PC with a Titan likely costs $2000. The Titan itself is an overpriced turd. You are better off grabbing a single EVGA GTX780 ACX or something.

If PS4 games start having graphics like this, it will take Volta in 2016 to beat PS4:

The Dark Sorcerer

nvidia 1000$ TITAN give u cartoonish hair and 100$ HD 7730 give u realistic hair (AMD TressFX)

What ?!

TressFX is not exclusive feature for AMD GPU. You can also enable TressFX in Tomb Riader on nvidia card

why PS4 will kill TITAN coz ps3 with 256mb 176 Gflops gpu,256 mb ram runs crysis 3 perfectly smooth while running same on pc we require at least 10X powerful gpu and 5gb ram

AMD APU and modern intel graphics can run crysis 3 on 1366x768 and low sttings

On the other hand Crysis 3 run 1152x720 on 360 and 1024x720 on the PS3, and details doesn't look better than PC low settings.

Not to mention that fps is below 30fps most of time

PS3 can't even match modern integrated graphics. And no you don't need 10x power of consoles to play crysis 3. Maybe you need that power if you want to play it on high settings at 1080 with 60fps which something that PS3 can't do.


Except?that everyone will be developing for AMD cards and not nvidia, so nvidia will get crushed in benchmarks and gaming alike. Intel's a bit more on the safe side since their technology is still superior on the desktop side, but nvidia is in for a rude awakening (especially when opencl drivers finally mature enough for AMD)

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Just because next consoles use AMD hardware that doesn't mean it will run better on AMD hardware on PC.

Alan Wake was developed for xbox 360 which use radeon video card, and then later ported to PC

yet GTX 680 performs somewhere between HD7970GHz edition and normal HD7970

So, GTX 680 performance in this game just as good as other games.

That really doesn't matter, there aren't enough big differences between GCN and kepler that allow you to make any big differences in terms of optimizations. They both use the same APIs, you can optimize your process a bit for the architecture that GCN uses, but it's still not going to 'crush' kepler. Same vice-versa


Nvidia missed the console contract because its future with x86 is tenuous. Nvidia won't stand to gain anywhere near as much just piggybacking off AMD. Today I will spare Nvidia supporters my usual rant about Nvidia's doomed future.

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lest hope AMD and Nvidia fuse, it's their only chance against Intel and ARM.

But grandiose Mr Huang will want to be again the supreme leader of the merged organisation without compromise, so it won't happen. But what I think will actually happen is that after 2016, Intel will buy out Nvidia and Mr Huang will start up another company with former employees doing something else in tech (which they're probably already secretly working on).


All we get on PC are shitty console ports that require stupid GPU power becasue they are not optimized for PC.

Just wait till next gen consoles and we get even shittier ports and require even more ridicules GPU power something down to the lines of two titans GPUs just to get playable framerate.


I agree that games are too violent. Most of them seem to have a high degree of war, killing, horror violence, slaughtering, guns and confrontation. Games seem to be divided into either professional war games or unprofessional splatter games. Peace games are in the minority, in fact, there are hardly any. I know what that is. It is because most game developers who work for game studios are 30 - 50 single men, who don't have enough sex, exercise and they might have a marine backround in the US armed forces. They think this is funny! Other population stratas are not present in the artists. Violent games represent the point of view of frustrated men. It is embarrassing when they defend some sort of free expression, when their pathology and post-traumatic stress disorder is clearly visible. There is no point to argue "I have the right to make as violent games as I can". Games used to be normal and fun too, before the console noobs took over the demand.


So when will nVidia develop a GPU that fully supports D3D11.1? What they have now is... what.. 11.0 and a bit?


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