Saturday, June 15, 2013

Fitness kit I've tested this week: ImuPro food allergy blood test | The ...

imupro food allergy test

Have you ever wondered if you?ve got any food allergies or intolerances? Ever wished you could know whether or not you ought to be eating certain foods in order to optimise your health, physique or performance in sport?

A few weeks ago, I was offered the opportunity to have a full food allergy lab test done using a sample of my blood. The test ? ImuPro ? is incredibly in depth and so I quickly and gratefully took them up on their offer. It?s not often you get the chance to get data like this about your body!

The ImuPro food tests (there are several options or levels) give you a personal immune system profile. Lots of coaches and athletes are already using the test, but it?s just as interesting for anybody interested in health and wellness, particularly nutrition.

They base their tests, and resulting recommendations, on three principles:
1. Avoidance of foods with a positive reaction.
2. Rotate the foods that make up your new diet.
3. Reintroduce the avoided foods.

The ImuPro 300 ? the one I took ? does involve getting your blood taken by a nurse, but it?s made as simple as possible.

photo 3

I was sent the kit in the post (absolutely everything the nurse needed to take the blood, and all the packaging I needed to send it back). I had to make an appointment at my GP surgery, but the procedure was very quick and painless. I then made arrangements with the courier, using the paperwork provided, and they picked it up within hours. My blood whizzed off to a lab in Germany (IgG antibodies are stable in transit unlike other blood components). All I had to do was wait for my results!

(Not all of the tests need a GP?s appointment and ImuPro Lite is a home test)

The blood analysis identifies high levels of specific IgG antibodies. The personalised immune profile is delivered to you ? a huge amount of information, presented in a pack, so you can read and refer back as you make the dietary changes recommended to improve your health and wellbeing.


Here?s what I received

- individual short report giving me recommendations
- the list of 270 foods tested, ranked by strength of reaction (detection of IgG antibodies)
- list of what I should definitely be eating
- list of what I ought to avoid
- a little cut-out-and-keep list of my ?trigger foods?
- a blank rotation plan template to use
- a much longer ?patient findings? report, extending the info in the short report to explain what level of allergy I have to each food, potential reasons behind this and how to use this info
- recipe suggestions ? 54 pages of recipes suited to the recommendations given in the report (everything from breakfasts to meat dishes, one-pot dishes, sides, cakes and desserts)
- a 67 page booklet about food allergies, digestion, food labelling, hormones and a food encyclopaedia

Phew! What an immense amount of info!

I found it very interesting that most of the foods on my ?avoid?/?trigger foods? lists are things I eat a great deal on a bodybuilding diet. Hm? In future, I?ll pay more attention to food rotation! I do consider that I eat a varied diet ? within the realms of bodybuilding prep/contest prep diet ? but perhaps I need to work harder on variety, food rotation and even excluding some foods and then reintroducing them after a period.

All very useful and interesting stuff!

ImuPro?s Joanna Wilki explained that the procedure analysed my reaction to nearly 300 different elements and created the personal food immune profile I now have here. ?Now you?ve got that information, you can can self-adjust your nutrient intake. I know you?re already very conscious of the importance of diet. With the results of your ImuPro 300 test, you have the advantages of knowing which foods you should avoid and, just as importantly, which foods you should enjoy.?

I love learning about nutrition, digestion, and how/why different foods affect the body in certain ways from inflammation to healing. What I particulalry like about these test results is that they?re so in depth. It?s fascinating, and it helps me know more about my body and be self-sufficient when it comes to knowing what works for me.

ImuPro would love you all to take a look at the ImuPro website and learn more about the various tests. ?We are happy for you to give an honest critique of the process and the test,? they said. ?We are happy to help anyone who buys one of our tests because we do recognise that they are expensive and support is paramount to the whole process. We like to make sure that everyone is happy with the end result.?

I must say that every member of the ImuPro team I had contact with was very helpful, very knowledgeable and very passionate about this product. Thank you, ImuPro people!

Find them online ImuPro website or ImuPro on Facebook or follow ImuPro on Twitter.

Fitness kit I?ve tested this week: ImuPro food allergy blood test is a post from The Fit Writer blog.

Nicola Joyce ? the Fit Writer ? is a freelance copywriter and journalist who writes for the sport and fitness industry. Her main website is here.

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